Mounts, Theorycrafting/Proposal

NOTE: This post has been updated on 12/7/16 as a result of a post by Vye indicating that the Thoroughbred would be renamed the Purebred, and giving information on what that means.

As it stands, we have 5 confirmed types of mount. I would like to propose that there not be a flat "X Mount is better than Y Mount" delineation as I've seen some other people talking about.

So, keep in mind that I am considering the EP Store Price when it comes to this, and trying to make sure that people are still getting more bang for their buck out of the more expensive mounts, but without just declaring that, say "A Trison is better than a Horse in every possible way, because it was more expensive."

Ultimately, there needs to be an in-game reason for all of these mounts to exist and be useful apart from 'that one was cheaper,' otherwise the cheaper mounts will start to disappear as the game progresses. After all, if a Trison is better at everything but being cheap, then breeders will focus on them to the exclusion of all else, the larger numbers of them in existence will drive the price down, and now a Trison is fairly inexpensive as well as being the best at everything. That's a bad gameplay model, IMO. And, this is also to give purpose to all of the people who own higher-tier packages and thus own multiple pack/mount animals.

So, my proposal is that different mounts be good at different things. That their attributes reflect what they are and what they can do, as opposed to a Trison simply being "Mount +5." Naturally, Animal Husbandry can mess with this via breeding, but not to the extent of crossing the lines.

All that said, here is my proposal for the distinction between the different types of mount, and what they are most useful for.


Donkeys are little, they are chill, and they are sure-footed, and this is a very good thing. While a donkey has a lower load capacity compared to other mounts, isn't very fast, is not terribly durable, and is too small for an adult to ride--they can go anywhere you can and are chill enough to not freak out. If a Miner is going underground, they could take a Donkey with them to help carry the ore back out. If a Mason need to work on a chunk of stone, a Donkey could drag it directly into the workshop. If you don't mind, they can even follow you inside while carrying their load and can navigate stairs and tight spaces just as easily as you can.

EDIT with thanks to Scheneighnay: Donkey are also intelligent enough to not do something that will likely get them hurt or killed. If you are riding a horse and try to steer it off a cliff, it'll go off the cliff. If you're leading your donkey somewhere and it puts on the might be a good idea to see what just spooked it.


A Horse is your general-purpose jack of all trades mount/pack animal. They are middle-of-the-road in basically every stat from carry capacity, to endurance. The one outlier is a long distance race, a horse will outpace any other type of mount (though a Trison can overtake them in a sprint). If you need an animal that can do basically anything fairly well, look no further.


A sub-type of Horse, a 'purebred' is more of a technical differentiation rather than a hard mechanical one. According to this post by Vye, a Purebred is 'better stock' than an ordinary horse. What this means is that they are a horse that comes from a line of horses that has been domesticated for generations, and have been selectively bred for quality and ease of taming.

Given time, you could repeat this process with 'ordinary horses.' So, in essence, a Purebred is a head-start on the breeding process. In-game, this distinction may become blurrier with time as players start selectively breeding normal horses to make their offspring better, or they start mixing normal horse into a purebred line to try to grab some attributes they are lacking. Mechanically, they are identical in utility (jack of all trades animal with a good top speed) to a normal Horse, but are of higher quality. This is one case where I don't feel the need to keep them 'balanced' with ordinary horses because they are simply a head-start on what any breeder could eventually accomplish with horses.


An Ursaphant is a purely-focused bulk hauling animal. They are slow, but can haul a ridiculous amount of weight, and all that fat makes them quite durable if attacked. Additionally, they are the first of the mounts that will seriously attempt to defend itself even without significant training. The others are more likely to run if they are attacked.


A Trison is most often seen as an engine of war. They are strong (though not so strong as an Ursaphant), extremely durable, and are ferocious fighters when threatened both by charging their foes and by rearing on their hind legs to pummel their enemies into submission. They are also excellent sprinters, reaching a higher top-speed than a Horse, though they cannot maintain that speed for very long. This makes them terrifying shock-cavalry as they can put on an enormous burst of speed just before they strike enemy lines. That said, a Trison is also excellent in other non-warfare roles--after all, if you have to leave your wagon to go harvest materials, it is quite useful for the animal pulling the wagon to be perfectly capable of killing most things that would mess with the wagon.


I feel that this sort of layout, where different mount/pack animals have differing strengths, weaknesses, and niches creates a more diverse game. Not only does it keep each type of mount useful throughout the game, it also allows for varied tactics that use different sorts of creature, increasing the variety of what we'll see running around...and giving us a further idea of what to expect when we see someone else.

For example, if/when Mounted Combat comes online...Trisons will likely make-up your Heavy Cavalry, best suited to a straight on, brute-force charge. Some horses, as all-rounders, serve as light cavalry, harassing the enemy's flanks and striking at their supply lines. Other horses, bred for speed and endurance, will carry scouts and messengers swiftly to their goals. Ursaphants tow siege weapons and supply carts. And.....Donkeys are back home, contentedly living their lives, as is their wont.

I frankly think this would be a lot better than everyone who could afford one always hauling around on a Trison, regardless of what they were trying to accomplish.

As always...I welcome comments, additions, opinions, and so on. Let me know what you think!

Knowing what I can do isn’t the same thing as knowing what I can’t do.

11/8/2016 7:06:17 PM #1

About donkeys vs horses: the choice between the 2 IRL is that donkeys are much smarter than horses are.

If you do something stupid that could get you and your mount killed, like take unstable ground next to a cliff, a horse will go for it, and a donkey will refuse to.

So donkeys are much safer.

11/8/2016 7:16:06 PM #2

Posted By Scheneighnay at 2:06 PM - Tue Nov 08 2016

About donkeys vs horses: the choice between the 2 IRL is that donkeys are much smarter than horses are.

If you do something stupid that could get you and your mount killed, like take unstable ground next to a cliff, a horse will go for it, and a donkey will refuse to.

So donkeys are much safer.

This is true...and they have talked about the fact that NPCs will be smart enough to refuse to do something stupid. Like jump off a cliff in order to chase you...or chase you out into the ocean if they don't know how to swim. Maybe a Donkey has the added benefit of "Won't do something that will obviously get it killed."

Knowing what I can do isn’t the same thing as knowing what I can’t do.

11/12/2016 6:04:50 PM #3

Valid point... but if a Donkey is going to be too small for an adult to ride, you can traipse right across that unstable ground and fall to your death while your Donkey stands above looking down at your corpse.

( •–• ) Hello! I am Baymax.

11/12/2016 7:27:27 PM #4

Eh, you'll get back up in a little while, and your goods will be secure :D

Or since you'll be walking with your donkey and not wanting to go too far from it, maybe the donkey stopping will still save you. It refuses to go, so you look around and realize "Oh, that spot is bad juju, don't step there."

Also known as AvA in Discord.

11/12/2016 11:54:19 PM #5

Posted By AvariciaMoon at 1:27 PM - Sat Nov 12 2016

Eh, you'll get back up in a little while, and your goods will be secure :D

Or since you'll be walking with your donkey and not wanting to go too far from it, maybe the donkey stopping will still save you. It refuses to go, so you look around and realize "Oh, that spot is bad juju, don't step there."

lol, true enough! The poor donkey must be thinking "THAT is my owner?! Splendid..." Although good point about them likely being a savior on a short lead rope.

I definitely plan on having some animal companions and beasts of burden, though I admit the fear of losing them (or me dying and finding out they have been stolen/killed/spooked by the time I return to my corpse) has me worried. I get overly attached to my pixels.

( •–• ) Hello! I am Baymax.

11/13/2016 3:42:04 PM #6

Given what we've seen of the SBS team so far and the nature of the dev journals, alongside the general worldbuilding attitude of the team, I think it's safe to assume mounts will have their own characteristics that make each one desirable for different reasons.

An ursaphant, for example, is pretty big. You're not getting one of those through a small side portcullis, nor should it be able to keep up with a speedy horse. You pick it for a reason.

I think what's said above should be a pretty good indicator of when we'll want a particular mount over the others; I think the only reason mount X is better and more expensive than mount Y is just through superior breeding and training within a particular species, i.e. trison A is bred and raised to be just faster than the average trison, so the breeder charges more for him.

"It's not the scales, the wings, the teeth, or even the breath that set a dragon at the pinnacle of creation. It's not the strength or senses, nor the size of his hoard. It's something that a dragon knows that only comes with age and experience. It's a skill mortals never truly master."

"A dragon...knows how to wait."

11/13/2016 5:40:18 PM #7

Love the theorycrafting here, however with SBS and how they seem to run things it wouldn't surprise me at all if this is very similar to how mounts will actually work. I love needing to use the right tool for the job!

Join Freeport County, we like boats. And dogs.

11/13/2016 5:51:52 PM #8

I kind of think there should be both better mounts and mounts for different purposes. I don't think EVERY mount needs its own purpose. I would like it if there were certain rarer breeds of horses that were hard to breed and could only be handled by experienced breeders/riders.

And I think people are underestimating the exchange and power of wealth that will happen in this game. People will constantly be losing their stuff through wars, or natural disasters, or whatever. It's not WoW where you build to end game, and nothing can stop you from having top tier gear. And for a good economy I think you need levels of options along with different uses.

Merchants Beware of Ashy Sails..

11/14/2016 4:50:21 AM #9

All domestic animals should be breedable IMHO, mounts and farm animals.

11/14/2016 12:32:36 PM #10

I think 1 mount should be better then another, but why get a thoroughbred to pull your cart if you can get 2 normal horses for the same price. I agree that they all should have their own roles and strengths and weeknesses but I think more expensive mounts should be better overall

11/14/2016 12:42:13 PM #11

What a coincidence, I made a similar thread with slightly different expectation.

NA-W "Angelica"

11/14/2016 2:07:30 PM #12

Great post. I love the idea of them all having their own thing. The only exception being about the thoroughbred being the least durable in a fight. You mean to say a Donkey would be better? I think a Thoroughbred needs to have more going for it then just speed. But then again I just want a huge War Horse. Appeals to me more than a Trison even if it is weaker!

11/14/2016 2:34:47 PM #13

Posted By AshyLarry at 12:51 PM - Sun Nov 13 2016

I kind of think there should be both better mounts and mounts for different purposes. I don't think EVERY mount needs its own purpose. I would like it if there were certain rarer breeds of horses that were hard to breed and could only be handled by experienced breeders/riders.

And I think people are underestimating the exchange and power of wealth that will happen in this game. People will constantly be losing their stuff through wars, or natural disasters, or whatever. It's not WoW where you build to end game, and nothing can stop you from having top tier gear. And for a good economy I think you need levels of options along with different uses.

I was speaking in broad strokes here. "Horse" "Thoroughbred." Naturally, once we take into account the genetics system in the game, breeders are going to start selectively breeding their animals to alter the animals away from how they start out. If you want to develop a breed of horse that can serve as Shock Cavalry alongside a Trison...breed for those characteristics. If you want a distance runner with a bit more load capacity, selectively breed Thoroughbreds and Horses together until you get the mixture of stats you want.

Posted By Greenhill at 07:32 AM - Mon Nov 14 2016

I think 1 mount should be better then another, but why get a thoroughbred to pull your cart if you can get 2 normal horses for the same price. I agree that they all should have their own roles and strengths and weeknesses but I think more expensive mounts should be better overall

I was actually trying to make it that the more expensive animals had more things they were good at in addition to being larger animals and needing fewer of them to pull a cart.

But, as for a reason to pick a Thoroughbred over a horse...I think you are underestimating the difference I'm calling for here. If you get a pair of Thoroughbreds on a wagon, and the wagon is sturdy enough to survive this....they can cruise along at a canter all the way to your destination...while a horse is going to have to mix it up between a walk and a trot.

That Thoroughbred is going to get you where you want to be in a fraction of the time that a Horse could get you there. And, as we all know, Time is Money. Particularly in a video game where you have a limited amount of time per day that you can actually play the game.

Posted By Pepperpot at 09:07 AM - Mon Nov 14 2016

Great post. I love the idea of them all having their own thing. The only exception being about the thoroughbred being the least durable in a fight. You mean to say a Donkey would be better? I think a Thoroughbred needs to have more going for it then just speed.

IRL, yeah...a donkey is generally a sturdier animal than a Thoroughbred. A Thoroughbred is like a tuner sports car...very high performance, but fragile. It is much, much easier for a Thoroughbred to end up with a broken leg or other debilitating injury than it is for a donkey to do so...donkeys are very sturdy little animals.

I have personally seen a donkey throw down with a group of coyotes that were trying to pick off some sheep that it lived in a field with. It completely trashed them and was more or less unscathed. (Donkeys hate Coyotes and will actively chase/murder them)

Knowing what I can do isn’t the same thing as knowing what I can’t do.

11/14/2016 3:16:52 PM #14

I agree that thoroughbreds shouldn't be the least durable out of all of the mounts mentioned, even by looking at the store page in comparison, you can see it's much bulkier than a donkey or a horse and forgive me if I'm wrong but in Medival times, were thoroughbreds not just bulkier more powerful horses rode by armoured knights in combat?

11/14/2016 3:52:05 PM #15

Posted By Mr_Plunkett at 10:16 AM - Mon Nov 14 2016

I agree that thoroughbreds shouldn't be the least durable out of all of the mounts mentioned, even by looking at the store page in comparison, you can see it's much bulkier than a donkey or a horse and forgive me if I'm wrong but in Medival times, were thoroughbreds not just bulkier more powerful horses rode by armoured knights in combat?


That was a "Charger" or "Courser." Which were generally a type of light Draft Horse such as an Andalusian or Fresian. If you put a knight in full armor on a Thoroughbred, you'd hurt the horse.

Thoroughbreds weren't developed until the 17th Century, during the European colonization of the Americas. Well after the Medieval era, and were specifically bred for racing, later being adopted for things like polo and fox hunting that needed their ability to run at top speed for a long time.

They are certainly taller than your average horse...but unless SbS is completely misusing their terminology...a Thoroughbred is a race horse, bred for endurance and top speed to the exclusion of all else. And given that the comment text on a Thoroughbred in the pledge chart is "for Traveling" as opposed to a Horse's comment text being: "for riding short distances," they are probably using it correctly.

Knowing what I can do isn’t the same thing as knowing what I can’t do.