[NA-W] The Apollonian Guard


Commander: Cozicus of House Kinyon

Headquarters: Apollonia


DUCHY: Kathandriel

KINGDOM: Ashland

FOCUS: PvPvE, RP as much as you want or don't want


The Apollonian Guard is the garrison of Apollonia and is comprised of Menn and Womenn who wish to pursue the Military Arts of Spear and Shield combat. This is a combat organization, we will be fighting any enemies of Ashland whether they be NPC or PC. The Guard will answer calls to arms from the Count, Duke or King whenever they need.

Duties & Responsibilities:

During war time and peace time we shall train and patrol the lands we are responsible for. Training will be comprised of group and individual training. During times of war we will provide flanking support in large scale encounters, disrupt enemy supply lines, and provide rapid deployment capabilities for the County and Duchy. We will be a mounted Infantry Division until cavalry combat is added to COE.

Fighting/Armor Style

We will fight and dress in a mix of Greek Hoplite and Roman Legionnaire. I know this doesn't make sense but trust me I have it laid out BUT I am not an artist soooo sorry I cant show you. We will Fight with Spears, medium tower shields Shields and short swords.

Combat Excursions

From time to time we will be informed of Traitorous activity, Bandit hideouts/activity and "Monsters" terrorizing the locals. When possible we will march against these threats and hone our skills as a group.


The protection of the Fort and its surrounding areas against threats is paramount. This will include but will not be limited to, long deployments, Scouting possible routes for trade, travel etc, hunting bandits and other deviants within our area, and Border deployments to neighboring Counties, Duchies and/or Kingdoms.


When needed I will assign soldiers to escort important visitors during their time within our Barony. Such assignments will be given to those qualified to protect VIPs.

Caravan Guards

Should a merchant or trader of any kind desire safe passage through our lands they will be accompanied by a host of our finest. We will do our best to facilitate safe trade within our borders.

Guards Ranks & Structure:


The quartermaster will be in charge of arming our soldiers, provisioning them and ensuring that we have an ample supply of reserves.


All new recruits start as an initiate and will be advanced to Rider after receiving basic training.


A member of the Apollonian Guard


A fully-fledged member of the Guard. Apollonian's can lead their own squads.


The commander of the Apollonian Guard.

Payment and Gear

All soldiers under my command are entitled to loot fallen enemies unless otherwise specified, High ranking enemies will have their belongings documented and presented to the Duke as tribute. Typically I say first come first served as it pertains to who gets to loot what fallen enemy but please remember that we are professional soldiers and must act accordingly. Do not scramble from body to body, be respectful of the dead, they fought hard. In most cases I will take what Loot I recover and give a portion back to each soldier as a bonus, as a Baron I don't need to be extra greedy but instead more giving and thankful of your hard work and loyalty.

Of course we don't have much info on what money will be in game as of yet BUT I can tell you that I will pay for your gear and any replacements needed. I do not expect you to pay for your own stuff unless you want better stuff. Although upon launch I plan to have a healthy stock of Rare quality gear for all of us, hopefully one set of rare gear for each soldier. Full Time soldiers will be exactly that, I will not expect PCs to participate in guard duty unless they are acting as a CO. I don't want anyone to think they will be expected to do boring jobs becasue you wont, I expect you to patrol, train, fight and FEAST! You will most likely be paid once every two IRL days and you can request time off if you wish.

For those who do not want to be full time soldiers I do offer Part Time Duty which would involve you completing basic training then you would be free to come and go as you please. I would pay you the same as a full time soldier, you still have access to new gear if yours is broken and you can stay in any of my military locations. Part time soldiers are expected to answer my call to arms at any time if they are online ;)

Be warned that you cannot commit any crime while wearing the colors of Apollonia, Loc Mir, Sanctaphandri or Ashland, if you are found to have committed a crime while wearing the above colors you will be stripped of your Rank and Gear including everything on your person. I will not tolerate shenanigans within my ranks.

Lets Get Real

The Apollonian Guard will spend most if not all of its existence alone on the border, with no reinforcements nearby. I know that many organizations claim to be master minds and boast intricate systems of advancement and control. I am no God of War, I am not trained in the arts of war but I am smart, fun and brave enough to lead whoever will join me in guarding our section of the border. I cannot and will not promise you anything I cannot deliver, what I can promise you is that we will have fun, we will fight together and we will win or die trying.

10/24/2017 4:41:41 PM #1

The Apollonian Guard was created by House Kinyon the day after Duke Polite gave lands to House Kinyon. Since that Day House Kinyon has defended its section of the border and it will do so until its last day.

11/16/2017 4:36:59 AM #2

Do you have any update on the mounted combat that will be available? Cuz I heard a rumor that they weren't planning to flesh it out for a while after launch.

11/20/2017 4:32:58 PM #3

Posted By Spinam at 8:36 PM - Wed Nov 15 2017

Do you have any update on the mounted combat that will be available? Cuz I heard a rumor that they weren't planning to flesh it out for a while after launch.

So they have stated that mounted combat is not on the list of things to be ready upon launch, BUT they do have jousting mechanics. So this leads me to believe that mounted combat refers more towards mounted archery, mounted parrying/riposting etc. I am positive that mounted combat will only exist within the confines of "shock" cavalry upon launch. Wherein we will be able to charge into and through enemy lines. But launch is also two years away and they may be able to flush out more mechanics for it. as it stands we may just be mounted infantry for the first year of the game, makes patrol faster and more efficient anyway.

11/24/2017 7:22:56 AM #4

I agree Coz. Mounted Combat should be somewhat easy to implement, since the Mechanics are in place with Jousting. However, Jousting is a Mini-game with in CoE, so we will see how far the get with it.

Great Post BTW, and Welcome to The County of Loc'Mir

12/5/2017 8:16:23 PM #5

Posted By Lord_Kolvan at 11:22 PM - Thu Nov 23 2017

I agree Coz. Mounted Combat should be somewhat easy to implement, since the Mechanics are in place with Jousting. However, Jousting is a Mini-game with in CoE, so we will see how far the get with it.

Great Post BTW, and Welcome to The County of Loc'Mir

I hope for the best, but if we must be a mounted infantry Division for a time then so be it, we will still be the best we can be.

"It's What We Do"

3/15/2018 5:41:42 PM #6

Revised some of the information.

4/16/2018 4:25:03 PM #7

I am interested in fighting with you, I will send you a pm.

4/17/2018 2:12:17 PM #8

Welcome Queen of Nomads!