Order of the Wolf - RP/PVP Guild

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KINGDOM: The Kingdom of Ashland

DUCHY: Royal Duchy of Kathandriel


CITY: Capital City of Vlans

FOCUS: Body Guard Guild, that will focus on Player Vs Player (PvP) combat, and Role Play Events.

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Order of the Wolf: (Lord Commander- Position Open)

The Order of the Wolf is a Role Play themed Elite Bodyguard organization, that PvP’s. The Order is separate from the Main Military Forces within the County, in they do not report to the Margrave and are under the sole leadership of the Count. That being said, they must also answer the Call to Arms should the Count need them on the Battle Field. A Guild Hall will be provided and located in the Capital City of Vlans or in the near vicinity, depending on availability. If Vlans become to crowded, I will consider building the Order their own Settlement.

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Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Isendale Manor Guards: The protection of House Isendale against threats both outside and within the County. The Guard is comprised of all members of the Order.

  • Bodyguards: Personally selected by the Lt. or Lord Commander, and assigned to personnel of importance within the County as well as other members of House Isendale.

  • Personal Escorts: The City of Vlans and the Academy will attract high ranking members within the Kingdom, these members will be provided a personal escort while staying within Vlans. This duty will be reserved for Initiates.

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Order’s Ranks & Structure:

  • Initiate: All members start as an initiate and will be advanced after receiving basic training and a knight selects them as an Acolyte. Initiates also must take the Oath of servitude to be promoted.

  • Acolyte: A member of the order that is attached to a knight for training. The knight that mentors them can recommend the Acolyte for promotion. The Lord Commander has the final say on this promotion.

  • Wolf Knight: A fully-fledged member of the order. They can have up to two Acolytes at any given time and are responsible for their training.

  • Lt. Commander: Appointed by the Lord Commander and is the second in command. All lower ranks will report directly to the Lt. Commander.

  • Lord Commander: The commander of the order. This rank can promote, demote, or remove members from the order.

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Order’s Armor and Cloaks:

I plan on using my DE from CoE, to create an armor set and cloak designed for the Order of the Wolf. While the below picture is only Concept Art, it should be close to what I submit to SBS.

Commander’s Armor Set (Commander's Armor Set)

Standard Armor Set

(Standard Armor Set)

Order of the Wolf Cloaks (Order's Wolf Cloak)

The Knights' wolf-skin cloaks, coupled with their long, often wild hair and beards, gives them a barbaric appearance, but in truth, they are a highly disciplined and martial Order whose presence inspire both courage and savagery that rivals that of even the most blood-thirsty and savage of the Northmen Warriors, The Knights of Tempest.

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County of Loc’Mir

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Please feel free to contact me in our County Discord by clicking on the picture above or drop a message here!

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