EU The Academic Council of Nirath


The Academic Council of Nirath

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The Academic Council of Nirath was founded on the single tenet that knowledge is the right of all Nirathi, It is our aim to share freely what we learn and educate all who would listen; knowledge strengthens us all.

Founding Members

  • Sir Nil Virith of The Filtiarn Academy
  • Countess Ariadna Montcada of Antheneum University
  • Count Magtaius Wolvendale of Dale University

In the second year of King Dragor's reign the leaders from four academies throughout the kingdom met in Filtiarn to broker the exchange of information and research and to form a collective Academic Council. The alliance was built on four central pillars; that all members maintain total autonomy within their respective institutions; that all knowledge gained would be shared and eventually stored within the Great Library of Dale; that any attempt to centralise authority within the council would be met by expulsion from the Council and if necessary the most severe force; and finally that all member academies would align their research in times of crisis by order of the King.

The primary goal of the Academic Council is to exchange information and enhance Nirath’s collective ability to conduct research and progress technologically. Furthermore by cooperating in this manner we aim to facilitate a strong spirit of communication amongst all Nirathi academies; membership is not exclusive and we openly welcome all who would request admittance into the Council under its tenet and pillars.

All academies within this council are members of the Kingdom of Nirath spread across the duchies and counties therein.


Filtiarn Academy

Antheneum University

Dale University

The Order of Bylindu

Trade Allies

Academic Allies In Other Kingdoms

The Declaration of Unity


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Filtiarn Academy

Filtiarn Academy is located in Tyr Nansur in the town of Filtiarn, a beacon of enlightenment risen from the ashes of an ignorant past. The Academy under the stewardship of Nil Virith furthers the causes of research and seeks to advance access to knowledge and skills not only within Filtiarn, but across Nirath; in partnership with all academic institutions that share this tenet.

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Main Aims Of The Filtiarn Academy

  • The use of dedicated adventurers who will travel the kingdom to gather skills and knowledge before bringing them back to the Academy to be recorded and taught to others.

  • The research and development of medicine and agriculture.

  • Animal husbandry, breeding and conservation of endangered species.

  • Environmental protection and conservation.

  • Obtaining and teaching the languages of Elyria.

The Academy aims to conduct constant research, and is open to cooperation with all other academic institutions, linking themselves through the trade of goods and information.

All scholars are welcome, and travellers are encouraged to enter the academy and share what they know!

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Antheneum University

The Atheneum is an institution based in the city of Meridia, county of Tarsis, settled in the Kingdom of Nirath, whose objectives are the collection, study, copy and conservation of books and maps of all eras, themes and realms. Also we want to collect relics and artifacts from the past.

The Atheneum is also a school that will train scribes, astronomers and cartographers, offering, likewise, workspace for those who want to develop architecture.

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The Atheneum has three wings:

School of Scribes, astronomers, Cartographers and architects: where veterans will teach the students.

Library: Where books and maps are copied and studied. Part of the copies can be purchased. The library is open to anyone (after paying a little contribution).

Bookhunters: As the name suggests, the bookhunters is a group of explorers and travelers, with high movement freedom. Although, they gather not only books, but maps, songs, and any other curiosities and artistic or scientific expressions they find in their journies.


Director: Rank currently in charge of the Count of Tarsis. Manages the institution. Librarians: People in charge of maintenance, copy and conservation of library materials (books, atlases, maps, etc).

Teachers: Members specialized in different areas of knowledge (scribe works, astronomy, cartography and architecture), who are responsible for teaching students.

Apprentices: Those members in training, help with their homework librarians.

Bookhunters: travelers and explorers who collect information, stories, chronicles, legends, songs, etc (including any artistic expression or knowledge) to include such knowledge in new volumes to the library.

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Dale University

The Dale University is located in Wolfstram the capital of Dale and led by Count Magtaius Wolvendale open to everyone who wishes to study and learn on all subjects to which only your imagination is the limit.

Dale University offers its students a place of residence and study for free. Featuring lecture halls, scribing stations, study halls, meeting rooms, residential and social areas for the students to reside during their stay at the University, by being in close proximity of the* Great Library of Dale* it allows the students easy access to all available information.

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The Great Library of Dale

The Great Library of Dale collects all the combined knowledge of County Dale as well as its allied academies and serves as a central point of study, research and scholarship. The library contains the largest book and knowledge collection available in County Dale and rivals even that of the national libraries. It is the perfect place to learn and study, it is also in close proximity of Dale University. The library is inspired by the Library of Alexandria and aims to achieve the same success.

The growth of the council

In the third year of King Dragors reign the following academies opted to join the Academic Council of Nirath.

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The Order of Bylindu

The Order of Bylindu is led by Gekon Nocidite and rests in the City of Midgar. This city can be found in the Gray Vale within the Duchy of Dae Erath.

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The main focus of Bylindu is the research and development of Alchemy, primarily of the brewing and potion variety. The main areas of research will be found in the following departments:

Deadly substances and antidotes: Where is a poison there is an antidote. Alchemists from department of deadly substances and antidotes, called "death masters" by many, focus their effort on developing untraceable, highly effective poisons. On the other hand, there are those who spend their time on developing antidotes with the ability to stop deadly poisons, both natural or manmade and even revert the damage to the body caused by them.

Medicines and cures: Even apothecaries are alchemists. Understanding all the medicinal herbs and their effects requires great knowledge. If you master this knowledge you can save many life's, make plague and other deadly diseases just a minor nuisance. That is the power of alchemists studying in department of medicines and cures.

General alchemy: Essential oils, soaps, useful acids, minor explosives, even perfumes that all is part of general alchemy. Many believe it is not alchemy at all and call it just "chemistry" but we in the Order know better. Even in the simples thing, there can be magic and in the best perfumes, mind altering substances.

Mystical substances: Elyria is full of mysteries. We are here to uncover some of them. Every substance, every plant, every stone that appears magical enough is a great opportunity to obtain more knowledge about this world. If you are here to get closer to magic and mysteries, this department is for you.

Trade Allies

We would also like to mention the support of The Mercator Trading Company

Both Mercator and the Academic Council share a passion for knowledge and discovering new technologies. The ambition of a united kingdom where all people can work together is at the heart of each endeavour.

Academic Allies In Other Kingdoms

Opus Alchemica lies in the city of Thalasia within the County of Kernothia, a district of the Duchy of Avaland. Led by Florin Goldenfeld the main goals are research and development. Although they are members of the kingdom of Tyggr they have close ties to Nirath and endeavour to work with us for the betterment of both Kingdoms.

The Declaration of Unity

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For more information please check out the forum pages for each academy, or join our united discord. From here you can find the academy that best suits you in the Kingdom of Nirath.


Academic Council Discord (European)

Filtiarn Forum Page (England Based)

Antheneum University Forum Page (Spain based)

Dale University Forum Page

The Order of Bylindu Discord (English speaking primarily, Czech Secondary)

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2/1/2019 1:01:03 PM #1

Great post and I really love this idea. Best of luck to you!!! :D


2/1/2019 1:08:20 PM #2

I think this goes to Organization.... Yes?

2/1/2019 1:39:16 PM #3

Yes, I'm having it moved not to worry :P

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2/1/2019 1:58:12 PM #4

Looking great! I'm glad we've finally managed to get the page up in an official capacity

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2/1/2019 3:12:59 PM #5

Very pleased with the page. Well done! :)

Friend Code: 5F99C0

2/1/2019 7:35:54 PM #6

Looking forward to working with y'all. :)

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2/2/2019 1:30:00 PM #7

I am glad to be part of the Council :) Really looking forward to establishing everything in game.