The way that our group is doing is that we are the practical arm of the engineering sector within our domain. We have contracts with other groups to do research and development through a university. In this game nearly every job is capable of being used in a civil works environment and so we have made flexibility in employment our second highest priority, only second to completing infrastructure projects.
Not only alchemists, but also a very large number of non-typical professions will be working with our group. Civil infrastructure is our priority, but it isn't our only priority. Instead we have a priority system that follows Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Engineering isn't just about infrastructure, its about critical thinking. We can apply engineering principals to any mechanic or profession in the game to make it better and more cohesive with the other mechanical components and that is exactly what we have decided to do. Our choice to expand beyond simple civil engineering has allowed us better fiscal solvency and the capacity to better our community using our existing members in a much more flexible way.
I suggest that anyone looking into a civil engineering group ask themselves a few things.
What sort of projects are being completed and how are they chosen?
How are those projects funded?
How are the projects implemented?
Who benefits from those projects?
If those four questions aren't answered satisfactorily, chances are its not the right group for you or they haven't put enough critical thinking into the projects and need guidance. There are other important questions here, but I think these four are the most direct ones to figuring out what the group is really about.