From stone to steel

I am sure some of you recognized the title of a great d20 role playing game source book by Aaron Stimson that is a book of weaponry and armor from stone-age primitives to the height of the Renaissance, with accurate enough historical and cultural explanations.

Enough with the tribute, that book has been a companion of many rpg campaigns and as i was fooling around in my flat the other day i stumbled on it, re-opened it and re-discovered some interesting concepts and exotic or strange weapons and armors and could not prevent but link ideas with Elyria.

So here it is, i'll pick a few of those strange and/or exotic weapons and make a post about them to discuss them and their concept in an Elyrian context for us to discuss.

We know that SBS has lots of knowledge on many subjects, but we know also that they are open and eager to learn about things they do not know about, and i am too. So if you have some of those exotic or strange weapons and armor that you'd want to discuss too feel free to add a post in here with the link to your thread, i'll update the OP.

As for discussing in here, lets limit our-self to discussing if we should or not have some strange or exotic weapons and armor.



PS: for the weapon/armor threads, the structure should be, a description of the item, with earth context (historical,cultural), with ref links if possible and arts if you have, followed by where and how you'd transpose it into Elyria.