I wouldn't say nothing has been revealed...
Dev Journal 14. Scroll down to the architecture heading.
Expecting to set up as a mayor in one of the three "two town" counties in Bridgespider (Angelica server, Kingdom of Tyria). I'm hoping to end up with a city by the end of exposition for lawmaking ability, assuming I can keep the city sustainable. You will know it's me by the city name Raven's Roost
Friend code: 23F484.
Paper and pencil have always done the job for me.
Biomes and available materials will have great impact on which structures and shapes of buildings will be doable. So I'm waiting for CoE's architecture tool. I'm looking forward to playing around with it and finding out the possibilities.
Posted By Sir Zyr at 08:56 AM - Sun Jul 29 2018
I wouldn't say nothing has been revealed...
Dev Journal 14. Scroll down to the architecture heading.
In this very Dev. Journal, Caspian stated:
"We’ll actually be providing a stand-alone version of the architecture tool next Spring so people can get their hands on it early and see what it feels like to design buildings in Chronicles of Elyria. As player-created content is paramount to the success of Chronicles of Elyria and isn’t part of our business model, the tool will be made freely available to everyone."
Considering this was published back in 2015, did this ever happen? If not, is it still planned? I would love to get my hands on this! It would also serve to satisfy the OP.
Considering this was published back in 2015, did this ever happen? If not, is it still planned? I would love to get my hands on this! It would also serve to satisfy the OP.
EXACTLY!! Where is this? I used to help make Minecraft server cities. I know this stuff takes a million years to plan and build and a lot of the things we end up doing are going to be based on topography and available resources. Since we can't see the map and assigned plots they can at least let us start designing discrete elements that can be plopped in; especially, this would allow kingdoms and regions figure out their cultural and lore appropriate build themes