The Temple of the Sun - Event Campaign

Stumbling through the darkness, I came upon a distant light. I did not believe my eyes at first, so long had I been without any light, so long had the days stretched into night stretched into days in an endless blur of blackness. But the closer I drew, the larger it grew. And I was intrigued. What was this place...?

As I stepped into the temple between the marbled pillars of its entrance, I could feel the heat rippling off the stone upon the dais ahead of me, chasing away the chill with the darkness that had clung to my bones. Bright as the sun, I'd never seen anything brighter beneath the sky. There was something unnatural about it all, but I cared little for I craved the light. I basked in it, and it comforted me.

As I stood in its warm glow, there finally came a voice from behind, from some place I had not seen as I entered the chamber.

"Eternal is the Fire, brother. Have you come here to worship?"

In the Land of Fire Lies a Temple of the Sun

Lavishly built and with skilled hands, the Temple of the Sun houses the mysterious relic known as the Sunstone. To many, the stone is seen as a powerful but practical thing; An object destined for the purpose of producing a harvest in places where it might otherwise be difficult if not impossible to do so. To others, particularly among the Virtori, it is seen as a divine gift - a lone beacon in the darkness - that offers shelter and respite from the long dark years of Longest Night, and salvation to those driven to the brink of madness by it. Or so some say, anyway.

The Cult of Karcion

Among a zealous few, most often among the Qindred, the Sunstone is venerated and believed to be a holy relic imbued with the spirit of Daemon, whose fire still rages in the realm of Karcion. These followers in recent years have become the caretakers of the temple within which the relic rests and fiercely defend it from treasure hunters and would be thieves.

Why Am I Doing This?

At the heart of CoE are stories - hopefully, good stories. Yet all stories require a setting, and good stories require good settings. So what I'm hoping to achieve with this campaign is to create a place of significance within the world, a place that we might consider a Wonder of Elyria around which people can create their own interesting - and good - stories. The game after all demands that we seed the world with such places, and I believe it's no coincidence that included in the grand prize is a substantial amount of Exposition Points.

And so what I pledge to do if I win is to use the 25K EP to actually construct a Wonder of Elyria, and in my case, a grand temple dedicated to the worship of a relic that symbolizes fire and days everlasting: the Sunstone.

But Hieronymus, Isn't This Self Serving?

There are undoubtedly a lot of people who desire the stone for one reason or another, some of whom I know and respect. While I've made my intentions known here, I genuinely hope that this concept I've presented on the forums isn't viewed with any sort of ill will. In fact, I welcome and encourage others to step forward in a similar way, to present their own ideas to the community, and in the spirit of this "player driven" world SBS is creating, let future Elyrians decide what ideas they want to see in the world and who they think would be the best custodians of those desires.

If you like what you've read, if you think this would add something novel and interesting to the game, please consider donating your ancient coins to me (Hieronymus) to help bring the concept to life. Thanks for reading.

For any questions or if you'd just like to shoot the breeze with me, feel free to come and chat on Discord. Everyone is welcome. Even you guys at SBS.

Discord Link: Just Click Me

UPDATE: Dec 23, 2018

The story evolves and continues. Read more about the event and what items you can earn!

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12/22/2018 4:52:28 AM #46

Question, If you already have so much EP, and you are already obviously well off, why do you feel you need yet more knowing that it will actively deprive those who are not so well funded then yourself.

I know new shiny toys are always nice, but don't you think you should have perhaps supported someone in your kingdom who had less and needed the PE or duchy rewards more?

It's just if your already so set, then this is little more then a nice new shiny trophy, where as it could change another candidates entire game experience for the better, perhaps allow them to do more for the lands then someone who already has a full plate a tons of EP, not to mention the cash to buy tons more if they felt the desire.

Guess as a basic Elyrian, I would like to see more counts and people without have a chance at these events instead of the rich fighting over who gets it.

Perhaps in future events the rich would consider supporting those less fortunate then themselves.

12/22/2018 5:40:06 AM #47

Posted By Rizzen9 at 8:52 PM - Fri Dec 21 2018

Question, If you already have so much EP, and you are already obviously well off, why do you feel you need yet more knowing that it will actively deprive those who are not so well funded then yourself.

I know new shiny toys are always nice, but don't you think you should have perhaps supported someone in your kingdom who had less and needed the PE or duchy rewards more?

It's just if your already so set, then this is little more then a nice new shiny trophy, where as it could change another candidates entire game experience for the better, perhaps allow them to do more for the lands then someone who already has a full plate a tons of EP, not to mention the cash to buy tons more if they felt the desire.

Guess as a basic Elyrian, I would like to see more counts and people without have a chance at these events instead of the rich fighting over who gets it.

Perhaps in future events the rich would consider supporting those less fortunate then themselves.

Well our fearless leader seems to be offline at the moment. Dealing with non event dealings I imagine. So allow me to give an unofficial response in the meantime.

Adequate EP does not imply that we have been stockpiling, and we have large amounts of disposable income to sink into events just to have a bauble to call our own.

There has been ample time to calculate Infrastructure needs based on known EP rates that have not changed in awhile, and have consistently been vouched for as accurate. With the ability to determine the needs of the Duchy, it is possible to determine the total amount of EP available to get the Duchy to where it prospers.

The second misinformation is that there is a rich Duke holding the reigns and he has enough EP himself to buy the sun. This is simply not true. Our duchy is a very communicative one, and one that helps each other plan for personal and community oriented goals. As such everyone in the Duchy is going to be doing their own effort, in whatever capacity they are able, no matter how small, to help out to better everyone's play experience.

Finally, the fact we may not be supporting those "Less fortunate" isn't true either. I myself am either a Mayor, or Gentry depending on how title merging plays out, and we have other Mayors and Base level package holders that are active in this event, and whose opinions are taken very seriously regarding the use of the Sunstone and the EP.

We have one person that wants to help build the Architecture, another who wants to help spread the word, myself who wants to see what we can do to expand and better the idea as a whole. All of these suggestions are taken seriously by everyone involved, encouraged, and in the end the entire point is still to make this something wonderful and marvelous that everyone playing on Angelica can be proud to claim exists only in our version of Elyria.

TLDR! Sorry, I have a habit of passionate rambling from time to time. Suffice to say, no one is rich, no one is trying to collect things to no end, and the lower tiers are very much represented in our campaign, goals, and community.

12/22/2018 5:54:27 AM #48

Hi Rizzen,

To answer your question, I'm not doing this for the EP or to possess some shiny trinket. I'm doing this to bring something into the world, a world that you and one or more of your characters will be playing in. I'm certainly not approaching this with any sense of entitlement.

To the contrary, I believe - and I have said as much elsewhere - that I'd like to see players making an effort to earn the prizes here, to share with all of us what they plan to do with the relic (or duchy). And if that alone is not a noble enough reason, in this game, the studio has also given players the responsibility to set the stage, in part through events like this.

And so I've presented an idea to the community here in this post. If you decide that it's a worthy idea and something you'd like to see in the game, then does it make any difference who I am or what status I happen to have? If you like the concept, then lend me your support and if I win, you'll have a Temple of the Sun somewhere in the game world around which interesting stories and adventures will unfold. And if you don't like this idea, then by all means find one that you do like and can support or present an idea of your own that the community can rally behind. :)


12/22/2018 11:12:35 AM #49

Posted By Rizzen9 at 8:52 PM - Fri Dec 21 2018

Question, If you already have so much EP, and you are already obviously well off, why do you feel you need yet more knowing that it will actively deprive those who are not so well funded then yourself.

I know new shiny toys are always nice, but don't you think you should have perhaps supported someone in your kingdom who had less and needed the PE or duchy rewards more?

It's just if your already so set, then this is little more then a nice new shiny trophy, where as it could change another candidates entire game experience for the better, perhaps allow them to do more for the lands then someone who already has a full plate a tons of EP, not to mention the cash to buy tons more if they felt the desire.

Guess as a basic Elyrian, I would like to see more counts and people without have a chance at these events instead of the rich fighting over who gets it.

Perhaps in future events the rich would consider supporting those less fortunate then themselves.

The thing is that in Elyria benefits for the "rich" don't exclude benefits for everyone. the Temple is not closed to the public, even the inner area with a straight view of the stone may not be closed to the public depending on the final design this means people can come and enjoy what we build, this brings travel, trade, and the exchange of information. These all benefit not just one person but the whole server as word of new discoveries are spread. If you look at the historical example of midevil pilgrimages pilgrims to the holy lands bringing back tails of what they had saw in the middle east as well as books and souvenirs changed Europe for the better and helped unleash a wave of new construction and progression.

This is just one example of how things that can seem like a benefit for just one person could benefit the whole of our server. When we first started discussing the event rewards our duke was actually very upset that there where people who are campaigning to win who where not planning on using the whole reward for the good of the community, but simply using the Ep and handing the stone off to their superiors. We found it depressing that they weren't trying to give something back so honestly we share more common ground on this than you'd think.

I plan on being a mayor not for position but to gather people and give them the opportunity to have fun. read here for more examples around how some of us who are throwing large amounts of money in this game aren't actually looking to profit massively from what we get, its not all selfish gain. There is no wining CoE the balance between kingdoms may shift over time but no one person is ever going to rule the whole world, there is no guild/kingdom ranks no leader board. It's all about enjoying the world and it's simply marvelous. this means that when you build something cool you're adding benefits to everyone in the game not just you. But this also means that when you help other people "get good" you're also making the game more enjoyable as a ruler. Thus the popularity and support for schools and guilds who want to help people advance.

Tl:dnr basically you have some base misconceptions on how this game works, any ep spent by the "rich" will be benefiting everyone because the smart ones will be helping increase trade and people's progression or create interest and story points. Even if they're selfish and build a grand palace and leave their Duchy in ruins they're still contributing to the game and it's story. So the shinnies could go to anyone and it doesn't hurt the people who can't afford or are too anonymous to gather the support to win it after all this kind of event doesn't limit people from trying to win who aren't rich.

If the big power houses let something shiny like this go into the hands of some one who doesn't have the ability to guard it because anything can be stolen with effort, including titles, and they immediately lose it then how does it benefit them? thus the big shinnies should go to the big guys and the rest of us get the fun rewards for everyone and cool things some one else has to stress over protecting from thieves and griefers in-game.

Being normal is vastly overrated!

12/22/2018 5:23:22 PM #50

Just popping in to say that I have committed my coins to the Temple. :-)

Hail the Sun!

12/22/2018 5:32:32 PM #51

That's really awesome and very much appreciated. :)

Thanks for your support, Larhanya.

12/23/2018 7:41:17 PM #52

Standing just beyond the temple colonnade, the Avatar looked upon the people huddled together beneath the dying light. They were the poor and the infirm. They were the lost and the forgotten. The discarded and the unwanted. Society had no need of this flock. Not now. Not in this moment. But the Longest Night was coming, and with it the storms that would test them. Test us. And so they were gathering.

They came in small numbers and large, in the ones and twos and the one hundred and twos. They came as they always did; To the light when the dark approached. "And we will provide them their sustenance as we always do," he thought as he looked upon them all. These were his children, and he would give them life that they may one day deliver purpose.

And so as a shepherd herds his sheep, he offered aid to the people, one person at a time. And with each thing given, "Praise the Sun!" came the thankful reply.


Once per day (from midnight CST) until the end of the event, we will be handing out items from the vault until supplies run out, one item of your choosing:

  • a potato to feed you
  • a lump of coal to warm you
  • a piece of gold to sustain you (ring or necklace)
  • and a copper spearhead to shank whatever tries to steal you away in the middle of the night

If you want or need any of these items, if you believe they can help you in any way to survive the Longest Night, simply post your request here - once a day - and they will freely be given.

All we ask in return is that you give Praise to the Sun!

Footnote: If you enjoy stories and participating in them, if you like ideas like this and want to see more, this is what we hope to be able to bring to the game and on that basis win your interest and support. So come, play with us. :)

p.s. This idea was spurred in part because of so many people feeling disaffected by the Raiders of the Lost Vault event. We don't want you guys feeling like you cannot get something from a "community event" without paying for it or that those of us who do have more than a little spare change in our pockets are somehow bad guys. We want to have fun with you too!

I would like to also kindly credit Duffy for giving me inspiration on running super easy events. Much thanks! :)

12/23/2018 8:18:54 PM #53

Aw, really love the updates on this! This has been a great campaign :)

I look forward to the next addition to the temple of sun lore.

12/23/2018 9:09:42 PM #54


12/23/2018 9:13:09 PM #55

This I support this if you run low let me know, Although I was planning to save this stuff for my community, i'll help out. Also Thank you Nita!

Being normal is vastly overrated!

12/23/2018 9:37:24 PM #56

star ruby, I will request this

12/23/2018 9:37:42 PM #57

Pewter Medallion, i will request

12/23/2018 10:26:04 PM #58

Then i shall ask for a gold ring to brighten up the day of one of my flock. Praise the sun and may you attain your heart's desire!

12/23/2018 10:49:11 PM #59

I praise the sun and wish only for a gold necklace so that I may better reflect the light of the glorious sun.

Right now, I'm just a sloth. Just a motionless sloth. A sinful sloth. Please don't make me work. Can't you see how troublesome it would be to get up everyday and actually be productive? Just leave me be. Let me be a sloth.

12/23/2018 11:34:08 PM #60

Blessings have been given!

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