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I welcome the order to Nirath, and am sure we shall get to know one another... there ain't enough orders around that ain't directly related to nobility.. so this a breath of fresh air.
Will you be building order chapters in different counties and offer you services to cull the unnatural and evil in Nirath?
I would not necessarily call The Falcons an order unless you consider the Witchers an order in that universe. That being said, I don't see any reason not to be around in different counties too, given we have enough members to do that.
In regards to the unnatural and Evil, we will not necessarily destroy them all, it will all depend on their true nature much like in the Witcher ;)
That's sounds like a really unique and useful guild! Will there be any sort of sell-sword element to the guild? So can counts pay The Falcons to prioritise their movements around their county so that it's monster free?
You bet there will be a sell-sword element! Elyria is huge even Nirath will be huge, so there is no reason not to prioritize our movements according to the wishes of those that are willing to provide us with a consistent revenue in exchange for that, especially if we take into consideration the fact that we aim to build up at least one fort, which will require resources.
That being said I don't plan on being involved with internal strife, unless we get dragged into it.
I've put up the first bit of Lore here: The Falcons [EU] - Lore
I will continue to do so, as soon as I had time to write it :)
I look forward to seeing the Falcons getting established and prospering. The kingdom is honored to have such a guild serving it!
As you might have noticed, the guild has came to it's first evolution. We now have our leaders at the ready and we have found ourselves a nice place in Elyria to call home, so we are looking forward to all the tasty new recruits to join us in our ever-growing company :)
Hello Everybody.
I would like to take this time and introduce myself to the community and people browsing this post.
I am a 22 years old dude living and studying in Sweden, I am also a member of the guild known as The Falcons, I was recently recruited due to the fact that I found my goals lined up perfectly with theirs. Without any friends planning to play CoE I sought a group of like-minded individuals that I could share my adventure with.
If you are curious I am a player that enjoys exploring and adventure, and so that is what I’ll be doing for the most part in Elyria. Personally I can’t wait for this game to be finished, I have never been so stoked about a game before! I hope I will meet a lot of you along my travels and adventures, and hopefully I will get to know some of you better if you decide to join The Falcons. I’m sure we would share a lot of fun experiences!
Anyways if you feel like chatting, hit me up either here via a message or on discord, my name there is the same as here. I’m always up for a nice discussion or talk about Elyria and our expectations, hopes, theories and plans!
// Nizjal
That's a great good and really happy you have chosen my county as base of operations. I'm looking forward to see how you guys develop!
Posted By Oracle at 12:04 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016
I assume you're in EU-Central too then? Nirath have stated that will be their location.
Coming Soon(tm)
This Guild seems really interesting. It is exactly what I was looking for and I joined the Kingdom of Nirath so... perfect! I would like to become an explorer who is able to fight and hide.