My Role in Elyria

I am really excited that my wife and I both are going to be able to join the rest of you in this game. I haven't given much thought though as far as what job I want to do in this new world. I am leaning towards being a merchant, a soldier, a mercenary or a blacksmith.

I'm really excited but I am also curious, as to, how many of you have already decided what you want to do upon launch. Since there will be my wife and I playing together, I really want us to get a good start together and forge a legacy that will live on through the ages.

If anyone has some suggestion for direction for the two of us, I would greatly appreciate it, I also look forward very much so to playing with all of you.

1/30/2018 4:30:04 PM #1

First off welcome!

As for suggestions pretty much anything is possible now from being King all the way down to a vagabond pickpocket.

Your legacy is literally what the game is built around. Each generation you have a child and your spirit takes control and you live out successive generations. Think a 3D version of games like Crusader Kings or old school games like The Guild.

You can be a merchant prince, a warrior king, or even a pirate. You can create medicines to stop a great plague or design the greatest sword of all time.

SBS is adding in player skill to almost every facet of the game. From how you swing your blade to how you make that blade. Now until the public gets their hands on the core game we do not know how effective or how expansive each core system is. Until we do no one knows just how much fun crafting or combat will be given the new perimeters SBS has chosen to follow.

So for now decide what you’ve liked best about past games and hope that line is fun enough to hold your interest. However even if for some reason it falls short no reason to reroll or bail on the entire game. Just reincarnate and follow a different path.

Coe is less of a game and more of a world where we can be whatever we choose.

1/30/2018 4:35:16 PM #2

Welcome and hello, EliBone.

Many have decided on what role they want to be within Chronicles of Elyria, and many haven't. There is no rush in choosing a profession at this time, as you can potentially try it in different lifetimes after your spark of life ends. It really opens up options to consider if you didn't care for what you did intitally in the previous life. Pick something you think you would have the most fun playing and start from there.

There is also the aristocracy, and nobility around too, and with our titles things will be more limited in scope on what we will be able to do ourselves between duties/management of the settlement or domain we govern.

In the mean time, I suggest checking out the Tribes and Kingdoms to give on some idea on what you may be looking for in the future. With so many groups around, it helps to look at a Kingdom level to save time on searching. Please keep in mind there is no hurry in choosing a community/Kingdom at this time, browse through at your leisure and see if the community fits you along with your wife.

1/30/2018 4:48:37 PM #3

Hi Elibone ^.^

A big welcome to you and your wife!

I think it is so difficult to choose what job (or hobby) I want. I know I will spend a lot of time with my community as a Mayoress, which I am sure will keep me plenty busy, but I also know I want to be proficient in something. Since my town will be culturally focused it would be easy for me to go with some type of Bardic skill like music, contracts, or ancient languages. I made a little backstory for my character, she is in love with love and enjoys being a matchmaker for those around her, so I think being able to marry people via contracts will be the way she goes. ^.^

If you haven't been able to check out Character Roles, Professions List, or Skill Tree maybe it can help spark some more ideas!

If I were playing with a significant other I think I would either have a family owned shop of some sort, OR maybe a Bonnie and Clyde sort of thing going up the deviant tree. ;p

Excited to see how you end up and I hope you and your wife enjoy your stay in Elyria, if you go Bonnie and Clyde though... skip my town ok? :p

1/30/2018 4:50:49 PM #4

Thank you for the resources and the reassurances. I've watched quite a few of the Dev Diaries regarding various topics. This game has me flabbergasted though. I mean the endless possibilities are going to keep me awake at night, scheming about what I want to do.

I cannot think of a time that I was this excited about the launch of an MMO. This virtual world is going to be legendary.

1/30/2018 5:15:25 PM #5

I am leaning towards being a merchant, a soldier, a mercenary or a blacksmith

That's quite a range. Are you planning on doing something with your wife? A pair of blacksmiths, one that focuses on crafting armor and the other on crafting weapons for example, would make you two an interesting (and very complementary) pair.

I'm really excited but I am also curious, as to, how many of you have already decided what you want to do upon launch.

I ultimately decided to play a noble as a primary character, largely because I see this as a very unique experience that simply doesn't exist in other games, but also because kingdom management adds an RTS flavor to the game. So I guess I'm hoping for a blissful union between RPG and RTS.

Since there will be my wife and I playing together, I really want us to get a good start together and forge a legacy that will live on through the ages.

In that case, I would also strongly suggest looking at the various kingdoms, as Xeyska suggested, and the communities that have formed around them to see where you might want to even start building a legacy for yourselves. While there's a lot still to be decided about the game (like what tribes and what biomes will be in each kingdom), it might still be worthwhile getting your bearings about what's going on around you to help you decide on your own course.

Welcome to CoE.

1/30/2018 6:31:33 PM #6

Welcome to CoE. I think it's terribly sweet that you and your wife are going to be playing together. #marriedlifegoals

As the others have stated, definitely start looking around for a lovely place you and the missus can call home. I recommend getting Discord if you haven't already. There are many amazing kingdoms and duchies (and counties, towns, etc) to choose from, and the best way to see where you fit in best is to interact with the communities.

As for my own goals? I want to turn a village into a trade city. I want to acquire land and riches. I also want to try my hand at architecture in game, maybe be a traveling builder of sorts. It all depends on how much free time I have I have to devote to various characters.

Best of luck, and once again, welcome to the family!

Friend Code: CB1D33

1/30/2018 8:20:05 PM #7

Welcome Aboard!

The forums have subsections for the four servers. Pick the one geographically close to you and have fun!

1/31/2018 3:19:57 PM #8

Welcome welcome :)

First i must solute you for your bravery in pledging and thank you also for helping us create this wonderful game. every dollar we invest gets us that much closer to this game actualy coming out.

so once again Thank you deeply and welcome to your new home!.

my self when i first found this game was like your self trying to work out what i wanted to do.

did i want to start from scratch and work my way up or do i want to start as a mayor and manage a town.... both are 2 completely different levels of game play. life as a king will be different to that of say a count and a mayor would be totally different to a peasant

so i then chose mayor then i had the choice did i want tyo be a eco mayor or a Miltary Baron... yet again i had to make hard choices of what sort of game play i wanted.

in the end i upgraded to a count...

but one goal i do have which has followed me thru the entire process is that i wanted to deicated to the food industry.

so thus i have a double county devoted to Food production and i plan for my Count to also Work the land being a farmer/herder/lumberjack/forester

my main goals of cause will be to improve the county but also want to have some play around time.

i also decided to make a 2nd chr out as a travelling merchant. this will allow for my wonder lust and be able to visit different towns a places. (also helps setup trade deals for my food)

so yes Sky is the limit for what you can do but one thing i would do is look for somthing reasonable to start with as a goal and once the game is released and u know how things work then adjust the goal based on game play.

i see alot of people talking about wanting to play a merc chr but i feel they may be in for a shock as to how well that will play out or if it is as good as they are expecting it will be.

thus i suggest a grounded goal till game comes out then let your wings free and fly!!!

Click Banner To Visit County. Join me on Discord:

1/31/2018 3:39:33 PM #9

Funny thing is, a Mercenary Blacksmith would be quite useful especially if you were highly skilled. I could see Nobles and minor Factions paying out a significant sum for someone like that, even more if they were part of a Company and the like.

2/3/2018 7:28:05 PM #10

Heh, I'm so torn, I could be a Mayor, I'm about to finish paying off my Mayor pledge by April. I'm a small town City Council Member in real life, and I'm not sure if I want to take care of the in game needs of other people.

Heh, I've talked to my wife about what she wants to do and she hasn't even thought of it yet. I'm nervous and excited all at once.

Maybe, we'll just be a blacksmith team, she'll focus on armor and I'll focus on weapons. I'd like to be a Grandmaster Weaponsmith, that would be awesome. And then when I pass, my son could take the most legendary sword that I created and go off and be an adventurer. I don't know, there are a lot of choices.

I look forward to venturing into the great unknown with all of you!

2/4/2018 7:02:48 AM #11

i like your idea of passing onto your son the sword you made hehehe maybe you can have 2 sons 1 adventure and another a blacksmith to follow on your Family busness as well.

that way you can have 2 chrs 1 doing smithing at home and then you can go off for adventure.

but yes lots of options

Click Banner To Visit County. Join me on Discord:

2/4/2018 7:12:23 PM #12

Most every role down to a farmer is useful. I'd suggest look at the other games you play, what do you do for fun when you play videogames? Are you tired of that? Or are you looking for games that are just better versions of that kind of game?

My personal favorite type of game usually involves building something, whether a minecraft style build w/e you want game or a city builder game where you plan a civilization or settlement.

I was looking for something more weighted in reality and something that was less about UI and management and more about living in a world while also managing it. When I play games like Banished or Civilization, I can't zoom in and start playing as a person in the awesome civilization I built...I'm still stuck looking at an interface.

So when I saw COE I saw the chance to play both the Macro-game and the Micro-game in a sense that I could play the "Mayor" and the person who is the Mayor and share that with a bunch of players who enjoyed my vision of an ideal settlement. This game allowed me some semblance of control over the macro-reality around me (the town/region) while also giving me the ability to control the look and feel to the point I could create an ideal settlement that everyone could enjoy but that was destinctly of my own creative mind and intention.

I just am fingers-crossed really banking on the Architecture tool giving enough variety and choice that towns can look different and that good planning can really matter and change the way people feel when in town.

I really don't want this game to make the same mistake as Life is Feudal where every house looks the same and so visual imagination is thrown into the dirt and the only thing that matters is proper logistical maximization (aka it has no soul and nobody wants to live there)

2/4/2018 10:52:53 PM #13

Welcome to our little corner of Elyria :-) Indeed the range of options to be what you want to be is one of the big draws of the game.

What provides you and the wife the most pleasure in your MMO gaming and think about the roles that you enjoyed the most in other games. The thing that is different is you are not locked into any set classes in this world. You can be a BlackSmith and also the best Swordsman of the land or member of the City Council of your Settlement. The options are endless enjoy the freedom the Devs are giving us.

2/5/2018 4:16:30 PM #14

Posted By EliBone at

I am really excited that my wife and I both are going to be able to join the rest of you in this game. I haven't given much thought though as far as what job I want to do in this new world. I am leaning towards being a merchant, a soldier, a mercenary or a blacksmith.

I'm really excited but I am also curious, as to, how many of you have already decided what you want to do upon launch. Since there will be my wife and I playing together, I really want us to get a good start together and forge a legacy that will live on through the ages.

If anyone has some suggestion for direction for the two of us, I would greatly appreciate it, I also look forward very much so to playing with all of you.

Hi, my barony is looking to do some knightly training, and as such we could use fighters, blacksmiths and animal trainers. The duchy I belong to has a discord at come check us out!

4/15/2018 11:26:45 PM #15

Those are some really neat ideas. I plan to have a school and maybe an orphanage.