Bordweall Chronicles #014 - Valentine's Day Edition

Kitlandria Bokest, Editor in Chief of the Bordweall Chronicles, is proud to present the 14th edition of the Bordweall Chronicles on this lovely Valentine's Day!

A special thank you to Drax and Scribbles for sharing their story, Mel for the comics, and the following community members for their Elyrian pickup lines: Shamus, NomadicDude/SwordWalker, Dleatherus, Dizler/Reishal, Hellmoon, Dyu, and Caine Dreamwalker.

This issue does come with some sad tidings as well as we lost a beloved Kingdom member last week. Please honors his memory and send your thoughts to his family.

Don't forget our slogan as you read: The latest news, entertainment, and satire. It's up to you to figure out which is which.

Please Enjoy!

For more information on the fantastic Kingdom of Bordweall, check out our recruitment thread!

Remember you can click on the paper for a larger version.

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Previous issues:












Free Kingdom Edition




Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

2/14/2018 11:10:22 PM #1

Beautiful issue, I think I might use some of the pickup lines when the game comes out in a Few years😂😂


2/14/2018 11:10:35 PM #2

This is making me remember my World of Warcraft days.. Thanks for the nostalgia. May the two of them have a blessed marriage. Cheers


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2/14/2018 11:20:47 PM #3

You will be missed Kaeleron. Thank you for being so instrumental in the creation of the Duchy.

May the wind ever be at your back, friend.

2/14/2018 11:34:19 PM #4

What a lovely story about Drax and Scribbles! Good luck to you both! Also the Waerd comic. I giggled. Waerd do share everything...

On a sadder note, I'm very sad to hear about Kae. Maulvorn brought it to our attention in Alésia, and nobody wanted to believe it. My deepest condolences to you guys as a community who knew him best, and towards his family. He always seemed such a bright and friendly guy.

2/15/2018 12:56:12 AM #5

Great job as usual, Kit!

The Scarlet Leffit Inn - "Weigh Your Wants"

Discord: @bocash

2/15/2018 1:06:28 AM #6

14th edition on v-day, I see what you did!

Kingdom: Alesia
Duchy: Rhyddid
County: Draken's Landing
Settlement: Drakenshire

2/15/2018 1:09:42 AM #7

Posted By Rovert at 8:06 PM - Wed Feb 14 2018

14th edition on v-day, I see what you did!

AWWW MAN! Someone caught meeeee.

Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

2/15/2018 1:51:24 PM #8

I just realized that her version of the story is better than mine.

2/15/2018 5:20:12 PM #9

is it just me, or does that sonogram reveal the Millenium Falcon resting on the bottom of the sea somewhere!

huge grats Scribbles & Drax!

Kit, great edition, as always!

2/15/2018 6:27:48 PM #10

Posted By LeadBaxton at 2/15/2018 1:51:24 PM

I just realized that her version of the story is better than mine.

Get use to it. 😉