This thread is exclusively for questions related to the upcoming open Q&A livestream on Wednesday, May 16th at 1pm PT, 4pm ET, 8pm UTC/GMT. You can read the announcement in this thread.
The topic of this Open Q&A is:
World Generation
If you post a question to be potentially answered during the Q&A, please adhere to the following.
- Limit questions to 1 question per post, so it can be easily up-voted/down-voted
- Ensure your question is related to that topic or it may not get answered.
- Please limit yourself to 3 posts for a maximum of three questions per community member
- Keep your question brief - that makes it easier to read, and quicker to answer
- Make sure to upvote the posts of others you're most interested in hearing the answers to
Also, for about thirty minutes immediately after the broadcast ends, Caspian and Snipehunter will be dropping by our Discord server to field your questions. Be sure to stop by and say hi!
- Remember to upvote the questions you want to hear answered!
- In order to ensure this thread remains questions on topic that follow the above guidelines, moderators may remove or contact you to adjust your posts if they have questions.
- Since we need to collate your questions based on their popularity, we will be closing this thread to new questions the day prior to the Q&A.